Resources for Tourism Advisors

Resources for Tourism Advisors


Resources for Tourism Advisors »

These resources are designed to assist tourism advisors such as provincial, federal or municipal staff working in tourism, economic development officers, destination marketing organizations, sector organizations and others who support the tourism industry in the North access our research library and information about our programming.


Become a Tourism Excellence North Broker

Tourism Excellence North (TEN) strategically guides investment into tourism development holistically over the long term. TEN is aligned to support priorities for tourism development in Northern Ontario.

Provincial and federal tourism advisers, municipal staff, economic development officers, destination marketing organization staff, sector organizations and others who are on the ground and in the field supporting tourism operators, destinations and communities as a regular part of their everyday job make great candidates for TEN Brokers.

Partnership Opportunities

Destination Northern Ontario leverages its core budget by more than 50% each year. This results in an additional 3 million dollars invested into tourism programming across the North. Many partnerships offer opportunities for regional tourism organizations, economic development corporations, government agencies and other related organizations to leverage with Destination Northern Ontario on product development, workforce and industry training and marketing projects.

Tourism Counts

The tourism and travel sector are one of the most severely impacted sectors due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its resulting travel restrictions. With tourism responsible for 1.8 million jobs in Canada and over 2% of its GDP, tourism was one of the fastest growing industries in the world and a leading economic driver. It is crucial for the Canadian tourism and travel sector to work together to ensure a strong recovery and a healthy post-pandemic tourism industry.