Chapleau’s Success Story – Partnership
Chapleau’s Success Story – Partnership
Chapleau, ON (2013)
In 2013 the Chapleau Economic Development Corporation (CEDC) approached TNO with a proposal to partner in the creation of schematic designs for waterfront redevelopment. With Probe Mines Limited (now Goldcorp) conducting mineral exploration within 10km of the community, the CEDC was looking for ways to both create amenities to support residential attraction, and to stimulate tourism product development. With the support of TNO and the Ministry of Tourism Culture and Sport, schematic designs were completed in January 2014 which included a themed playground and splash pad, tiered seating, rehabilitated beach and swimming area, docks, boat launch and turn around area. As the CEDC began the search for funding to support the implementation of this plan, TNO and MTCS were again approached for help. With all funding now in place, the CEDC is planning to break ground Spring 2015 with this $1.2 million dollar project.
Building on the infrastructure developments in our community, the CEDC hosted an Experiential Tourism Workshop in February 2015 which was an overwhelming success. Local experience providers are excited to see their business in a new light, and we will be working with them over the next month to firm up their product and bring it to market. The next step is a two-day tourism packaging workshop, supported by funding from TNO, which will take a hands-on, practical approach to creating unique and lasting partnerships. We anticipate that these two workshops will result in 4 tourism experiences that will be on the market for the 2015 summer tourism season! These results would not have been possible without the continued support of partners like the Algoma Kinniwabi Travel Association, Tourism Northern Ontario and the Ministry of Tourism Culture and Sport.