Product Development

Product Development

Destination Northern Ontario's main objective for Product Development is to enhance visitor experience through well-designed tourism products that meet current and future customer demand.


To successfully implement a sustainable tourism development strategy, the tourism sector in Northern Ontario must focus its efforts in three core areas.

The experiences and products themselves.

The quality of the offers.

The ‘culture’ and organizational thinking around tourism product development.

Experience Shift

Narrow experience and product development to high priority product areas.

Goal: To focus efforts on product development with the most potential to advance tourism in Northern Ontario.

Quality Shift

Create a ‘culture of quality’ for the delivery of tourism products and experiences throughout the Northern Ontario tourism sector.

Goal: To improve and enhance the quality of built and delivered tourism assets and the overall quality of service and engagement across Northern Ontario.

Culture Shift

Establish an organizational culture that generates investment, commitment and support for strategic tourism product development in Northern Ontario.

Goal: Increase the awareness of and support for tourism product development in Northern Ontario.

Destination Northern Ontario engages over 150 tourism industry representatives to drive industry development and implementation of 10 priority sector strategies:

  • angling;
  • auto and RV touring;
  • boating;
  • cycling;
  • gateway and destination communities (attractions, festivals and events; meetings, conventions and sports);
  • francophone;
  • culture and heritage (Group of Seven);
  • motorcycle touring;
  • nature and adventure (parks, paddling and trails); and
  • snowmobile touring.


Destination Northern Ontario will continue to develop its identified priority products and experiences including angling, auto & RV touring, culture and heritage, destinations & gateway communities, nature & adventure, snowmobiling and cycling. Secondary products such as food,  and Indigenous tourism are all on the horizon for development.

Ready to find out more?

Read our Product Development Strategies.
