Designing High-Yield Experiences to Showcase Northern Ontario's Unique Stories, Cuisine and Culture
Tourism Excellence North (TEN) is going to be on the road again with a series of innovative workshops this fall and winter in 13C.
First up will be an Experiential Travel Training for Operators workshop in Terrace Bay October 30-November 1. This will be an interactive session for 12 tourism operators which will provide the tools and insights they need to design and deliver high yield tourism experiences… tourism experiences that showcase the stories, cuisine and culture unique to your business and to the North. A second session on the same subject will be held in Kenora December 4-6.
Moving Tourism in Your Community from Ideas to Action is the focus of a third workshop to be held in Thunder Bay November 14-15 just prior to Tourism Northern Ontario’s Northern Ontario Tourism Summit. This will be a one-and-a-half-day experiential travel training session designed to inspire Northern Ontario tourism stakeholders to create and build upon existing partnerships to develop new, or enhanced, visitor experiences to foster increased visitation and revenue to their respective communities.
When asked last year what their key take away from the workshop was, participants said:
How to build a customer experience, to think about un-used facilities or to re-purpose facilities that we already have.
Anything is possible.
Partnership is important.
Figuring out your target audience is critical.
Better ability to go forward.
The cost of each workshop including lunch and materials is just $100. Accommodations have been secured and participants will be responsible for booking their own travel arrangements and accommodations.
Questions? Send TEN an email at